Saturday, April 5, 2014

VegasCon 2014: Day 2: J DAY

I already know this is going to be a multi- parter, because I have A LOT to say about this day. It started off really early. I couldn't get to sleep the night before in anticipation of the epic events that we're going to take place the next day. I woke up at 6 am because I was so excited. And I did cry a little bit because I couldn't believe it was finally here, the day I'd been dreaming about and preparing for for so long. Luckily we did have a while before the first panel started so I could take my time getting ready. This was my J DAY outfit:
We left the room in disbelief that this was actually happening. We got to the convention hall and once again turned in our tickets and got our Saturday wristbands. Then we turned in our photo op PDFs and got our official tickets. I'm getting butterflies in my stomach as I write this, because this was the moment it became REAL. We were meeting Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles!!!
After we got our tickets we still had time to kill. Even though neither of us felt like we could eat, we knew we needed to.  So we decided to get breakfast at Hash House A Go Go. I didn't post a lot of food porn pics over the weekend, but my bacon waffle was delicious.
Over breakfast I started tearing up again. I knew I had to get myself together, but honestly my emotions were all over the place that day and crying came in waves. Suddenly it would just hit me. We finished breakfast (all that we could eat) and went back to the panel room. The panel room really started to feel like home. We spent more time there than any other place. Our Saturday seats were the closest and when we sat down we couldn't believe we were going to be that close to J2!
Then we had another fabulous welcome from Rich, where he said "what have we got going on today?" "Oh we got some tall guys." Everybody started cheering. He said "can you feel it?" "That's not magic in the's hair product!" LOL "Jared and Jensen" *screaming* and we got a slower variation of "Ruuuules and Regulaaaations". Rich made the announcement that there had been a change in the schedule, he didn't know "why there was a change in the schedule. But this lead to a last minute panel from Rich and Rob which was absolutely delightful. 
Then it was Chad Linburg's panel. And I finally got a picture of him! (I saw him all around all weekend. His panel was really awesome, he brought along a lot of paranormal investigation tools. As well as Aaron Goodwin from Ghost Adventures! He set up a couple of EMF detectors on either side of the stage and it almost immediately started going off and as he said "sometimes you just gotta go with it". He brought out his EVP and asked if there were any spirits in the room with us, it went into a static beep. Then he asked if it followed them from Bonnie Springs (where he'd done his ghost hunt on Thursday night) and again a static beep. He asked if it remembered him and nothing, but THEN he asked if it remembered Aaron and a voice CLEARLY said "Aaron"! It gave me goosebumps and definitely convinced me to go on the ghost hunt next year! Chad's panel was awesome, he's such a cool guy! 

Then it was Matt and Rich's panel, and Rob joined in (R2M). I'm definitely planning on getting a photo op with them next year because I love them so much! Their bromance is one of the cutest things ever. I couldn't get enough of these guys, seriously they're all great. 

Then it was time for the costume contest. At this point we decided to explore the vendors room, because neither of us were entering. The vendors room was awesome! I wanted to buy so many things and it was so hard to choose! I didn't think I needed ANOTHER Supernatural T-shirt but I wish I had gotten a big Purgatory Tour or Elastic Waste Band one to sleep in. *slaps forehead* NEXT TIME! I ended up with a couple of really pretty pictures (one signed by Guy Norman Bee!) and a shot glass. 

Then we headed back to the panel room where the costume contest was wrapping up. "The Castiel Division" was the last group. And I'm SO happy we caught the final line up because none other than MISHA COLLINS was the judge!!! 

He came out and of course everybody was cheering like crazy! He looked ADORABLE!!! My mom and I turned to each other and screamed "he's soooo cute!!!" And that was the official start of Misha's panel. One of the first questions was about directing for TV for first time, and he said he always thought directing for TV was kind of an easier job than directing a movie. Then Jim Micheals walked out, scolding him and Misha jumped off the stage and stared running through the chairs and in the aisles! He went right past me! He said "damn it! why didn't anybody tell me he was in the room!"

Osric also made an appearance dressed as the Running Amok logo, half of his body was painted green and half blue. They were super adorable together. Misha saying "how you been buddy?" After Osric hugged him getting blue and green paint on his jacket! :P

Misha's first panel was fantastic. He is just as adorable and hilarious as he always comes across  This was my first HUGE thrill of the weekend because MISHA! I saw him so much this past weekend that I feel like I know him, and ugh I just love this man so much.
We had a short break in between Misha and Osric's panels. And I went to use the restroom, on my way back I saw Cliff! And that's when I realized OMG JARED AND JENSEN ARE IN THE BUILDING!!! I went back and told my mom. I was totally freaking out! But we had to settle down for Osric's panel and I apologize  that I didn't get any pictures during because Jared was so close and my nerves were sinking in. But he was great and very inspiring. In the middle of it we were loud cheers from the next room...FOR J2. I heard Jared say something, I couldn't tell exactly what but I knew it was his voice. I maaaay have freaked out a lot. I said "I heard Jared's voice!" really loudly and did some form of convulsing. Seriously people were looking at me. But this was only the beginning of my excitement for the rest of the day. I'll be back for part 2: PHOTO OPS!!!

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