I have reached a point in my life where I AM comfortable wearing no makeup in certain situations, I CAN leave the house without makeup on. I don't like it, but I can do it. I prefer myself with makeup. I feel more like myself with makeup. I don't do it for anyone else, I do it for me. It's the way I like to present myself to the world.
I am by no means telling anyone they HAVE to wear makeup. I see plenty of girls that look gorgeous both with or without makeup. I'm just tired of women who take advantage of resources out there to enhance their beauty and/or create their OWN form of beauty being looked down upon. Wearing makeup or not wearing makeup doesn't make you more of a women, a stronger woman, or a more valuable woman.
At the end of the day it's every individual's choice whether she wears makeup or not, or how much makeup she wears. Basically I'm saying there are all kinds of beautiful and neither end of the spectrum (or the middle of the spectrum) should be judged.